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All texts presented on our website are based on the following publications

  1. Przychodni,’ Realisation of the project ‘Man and Iron in the first centuries of our era’ in the Świętokrzyskie Center of Experimental Archaeology in Nowa Słupia as a chance for development of archeoturism in the Kielce region’, (in:) Archaeological Open-air Museums and experimental archaeology, Krosno 2012, 174-220.

In the Hephaestus’ forge from the Świętokrzystkie region, Edited by S. Orzechowski, A. Przychodni, Kielce 2003.
Text editing and markup © A. Przychodni 2013. Presented texts are not a faithful copy of the mentioned publications. They have been largely extended and complemented.
The selection of literature presented here is constantly updated therefore we invite everyone to check the current status. We hope that the quoted publications will allow all interested people to extend their knowledge on the subject. (...)